If you are looking for a job, why not join the UpStage Entertainment Talk Show, Radio Sales team?
There is money to be made, so why not make it?
Los Angeles and Las Vegas Area candidates should Contact American Artists Entertainment Associate
Jay Michaels in Beverly Hills at 1-310-281-6734
Candidates in the Philadelphia/Trenton, N.J. area should E-MailUpStage for details.
American Artists Entertainment is seeking a full time performing artist representative candidate must be experienced and professional in music and motion picture related fields.
E-Mail. AAEG.for further details.
American Artists Entertainment is seeking full time performing artist Booking, Casting and Modeling agencies to represent our roster. Theatrical Booking Casting and Modeling Agencies who wish to add their Agency to AAI’s Booking Agency Representatives List, kindly submit information required by using the below Application Provided.Booking Agency Application
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