Tommy Zito
Kenny Schroth
John Cline
Lenny Martucci
Joe Borelli
Byron Mellinger
March 27th, 2000
Re:Uproar Reunion
Dear Former Members:
I’m in receipt of your fax pertaining to Uproar’s reunion, scheduled for Saturday October 14th, 2000. I will try my best to attend personally. However, if for any unforeseen reason I cannot attend, due to other commitments. Kindly accept the following to be presented on that special evening as follows.
Dreams were shared
First I thank God for giving me the opportunity to share in each one of your dreams, for no other group members ever came close to touch my heart personally as six young individuals from Allentown, Philadelphia and Reading, Pennsylvania did.
As artistic talented performers together we toured coast to coast from New York City to Los Angeles, California and as far south as Fort Lauderdale. We trusted in each other and landed in Billboard’s National Charts. You individually accomplished what others only dream about. We shared in these dreams and gave our best effort to accomplish them.
As individuals we respected each other efforts and keep course never deviating from it. You believed in yourself and you trusted me as your pilot. Other than Lenny who drove the truck to Florida. (Grin) as your Pilot we went onto The Bahamas. I will never forget each one of you, and each will always have a very special place in my heart. Live long, Prosper and may God grant each one of you and your families good health and happiness.
Your Personal Manager,
Tony Messina
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