Thank you for your interest in American Artists Entertainment Group. American Artists Entertainment is a world leader in Performing Artist (s) Personal and Business Management, which includes Motion Picture Acting, Modeling and Music.
All candidates to be considered for representation must be under NO legal agreement (contract) with any Management Person or Agency. For more information pertaining to American Artists Entertainment Group Please visit our company information and artist roster located at our Company Main Index WWW.AAEG.COM
We’ll notify you by email NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE, this only slows down the submission process.
Allow One Week for your material to be reviewed. If you decide to email us your photos and other material, note all images must be under 1 Meg in size and be in JPG or Gif format. Your Submission must include your email address and a contact telephone number. Electronic Mail Press kits must be in MS Word, MSPUB, Word Perfect or Adobe Acrobat format.
Before you email us kindly read our TERMS OF USE
For Postal:
Mail your Portfolio to:
Artist Submissions.
American Artists Entertainment Group
1143 Fitzgerald Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148 USA
No Submissions will be accepted in person at our Philadelphia, PA., New York City or our Hollywood, CA. offices.
Copyright © American Artists, Inc. 1998 – 2005 All rights reserved |