Real Player 7 MP3/Real Audio Format
Problem. No Audio or No Audio Gaps.
Wait until the green color highlighted area located at the bottom of the player,
ratio of time is equal (Audio file completed Download). Then slide the clip (Play) position back to the beginning (all the way left). Audio should then play in its entirety.
A better option is to select the Real Audio/MP3 file by using your Mouse and RIGHT CLICK on the Song Title and Click on “Save Target As” in this menu and a “Save As” window expands, allowing you to save the song to a folder of your choice in your computer. This way, it will be easy to find the track when you go to retrieve it. Otherwise, the file will be automatically saved in a temp folder. (There can be a lag in time, five seconds or more, before this window appears.)
Click on the (down arrow) to the right of the text box and a window will expand. A list of different locations of where you can have the downloaded tracks filed to is shown in this menu. In” dialog box.
NOTE: Make sure you take note of the name of the folder you’re saving to so you know what to look for when retrieving it.
Click on the (Save) button in the lower right hand corner of the menu. A window will show the data being downloaded.
When the download is completed, depending on your settings, the table will either disappear or you will have to click on the “X” in the top right hand corner of the window to close it.
To Play the Song Title open your Player program and point it to the location on your Hard Drive your music file is in (where it’s Saved in your PC),And retrive the file. With Real Player this is done by clicking on File located near the top of the Player, then select Open File point it to your folder the file was saved in. Highlite the Song Title and click Open. Press the Players Play Button if it does not start in auto mode.
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Thank You.