Banner Html Code


Join Our Free Banner Exchange Click Here

Or you may Select the Banner you like and place it on your Web Site.

To Copy HTML Code place your mouse any where in the Text Area than right click and Select All, when text is highlighted right click again and Copy. open notepad or your HTML page and paste.

You must insert the following code onto your (Web) html page if you selected Banner #1.


You must insert the following code onto your (Web) html page if you selected Banner #2.

BANNER #3(Transparent)

You must insert the following code onto your (Web) html page if you selected Banner #3.

If you wish us to e-mail your HTML Code
Please tell us the banner # you have selected.
Note if you would like to add a Banner of a Performing Artists
American Artists Represents.
Just tell us the name of the Artist, your web site would like a banner of.
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