For some, fishing is a favorite pastime enjoyed with friends. For others, fishing is the first step in preparing a family dinner. Regardless of one’s purpose for casting a line in the water, it is i...
Casanova Law Criminal Defense and Immigration Blog
Hiring A Shoplifting Attorney
Although some may consider shoplifting a “minor” crime, the U.S. retail industry would beg to differ, hiring a shoplifting attorney is highly recommended. Estimates show that stores lose up to $50...
Prostitution Charges – a Legal and Social Problem
Prostitution Charges: a touchy, unpopular and embarrassing subject. Beyond the normal concerns of other criminal cases (such as jail time and a criminal record), you face further condemnation from you...
Should I Hire a Lawyer?
When it comes to legal matters, the first question that comes to mind for most is: “Should I hire a lawyer?” The answer depends on the type and magnitude of the legal issue as well as a person’s...
Assault & Battery are Crimes of Moral Turpitude
Did you know that Assault and Battery are considered crimes of moral turpitude? Talk to an Assault & Battery Lawyer Today! While criminal charges and immigration matters involve two separate areas...